I Hated Property Management, Until I Met POD!

The funny thing about Property Management is that most of what it does is invisible. Leaseholders may never see how much time and effort the staff put in and they almost never see the emotion that can get wrapped up in it, least of all the staff who don't get home until 10 or work through their weekend. But the reverse can also be true, property managers often forget or just don't see the emotion that people attach to their homes. It's their safe place from the world, their haven, and rightfully so.

It was this invisible factor that, after a couple of years in property management, made me want to leave it all behind and never look back. I even left the country to go travelling and take a much needed break.

When I got back I swore I would never return, and yet here I am, working for POD. So, why?

When they connected with me initially, desperation was the root cause. I was out of work, money and to a lesser extent, options.

Then I met Andrew, Ryan and David. Their vision was to make that invisible factor, visible. Keeping property managers aware of leaseholders homes and the emotion and trying to let leaseholders know that we actually do care and give them the tools to recognise the work being put in. I left that meeting wanting nothing more than to be involved. The first and only time I was genuinely and thoroughly excited about a job opportunity.

At POD it isn't called a flat or an apartment, it's called a home. Everyone involved in this industry could sometimes do with a little reminder of what matters. People matter, homes matter and staff matter. You matter.

So here's hoping I never leave POD behind and we can all keep making the invisible, visible.

Jenni Codrai - Portfolio Executive, POD


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