Fire Door Inspections

Following the 2017 Grenfell disaster, concerns surrounding inadequate fire door inspections and inconsistent management systems were raised. We have developed a cutting-edge solution and introduced a seamless digital system for tracking fire door lifecycles, keeping residents and property owners safe and secure.

Our user-friendly approach offers easy access to essential fire door information via smartphones, tablets, and desktop dashboards. Quick and efficient, POD Management helps maintain compliance with England and Wales Fire Safety Laws, making people feel safer in their homes and built environment.

We’re taking care of it!

POD's fire door inspections blend efficiency and exceptional value.

We believe in keeping the inspection and repair processes distinct and separate, guarding your interests by making sure that the folks inspecting don't profit from any mandatory repair or defect work. This ensures inspections are fair, reasonable and transparent.

What's more, inspections are undertaken, reviewed and approved by qualified inspectors. We ensure that a compliant digital record is created, aligning with future legislative needs.

We can also provide template communication tools to enable effective resident interaction and understanding.

The vibrant atmosphere of a build-to-rent property managed by the experienced team at POD Management

Our Fire Door Inspection Services

  • Each fire door asset is subjected to a dedicated inspection with an individual digital record created for it. We apply non-intrusive tagging to each door, ensuring organised tracking and record-keeping.

  • We employ a meticulously outlined 10-stage inspection process, encompassing over 60 checks. This rigorous process ensures a consistent and high standard of inspection on each door.

  • All defects are logged via photographic or video evidence and safely stored within our digital management system. For each defect or repair noted an approved repair technique is identified in accordance with a best practice repair / maintenance scheme. This enables third party contractors to quote for repair work at no extra cost.

  • Our intelligent software provides dashboard that contain real-time insights on every door in your property - passed, failed, or pending activation. Our 'No Access Reports' keep you in the loop in relation to failed inspection attempts whilst your data can be exported directly to your system. We also provide PDF reports, full data backup and API access when needed, all in a safe and secure server environment.

‘Golden Thread’ Requirements

In her revolutionary report, 'Building a Safer Future', Dame Judith Hackitt highlighted the need for better building safety control processes. She advocated for a 'Golden Thread of Information' that would run through the life cycle of every building.

We foster this 'Golden Thread' by accurately recording all fire door assets and inspections within a digital management system, ensuring adherence to all the requirements stipulated in the Building Safety Act 2022. This indispensable audit trail caters connects all facets of fire door safety, ensuring accurate risk assessment, effective management, meticulous maintenance and, most of all, top-notch fire safety.

This easily accessible and comprehensible repository of information allows users to delve into the historical records pertaining to fire door safety. Transparency and traceability lie at the heart of our operations, making fire safety a more interactive and engaging affair.

Embrace the POD way of fire door inspection today, where compliance meets convenience, and safety becomes a shared responsibility.